Alpine Accentor

Recent sightings

05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1D L Cleal
Just want to thank the finder for a UK first for me. Amazing area, what goes missed in all that scrub? Not the easiest spot to get to though, I hope nobody suffered anything serious in the way of injuries.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1T Watts
Fantastic bird, Still feeding and showing well 7:20 p.m.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1P Watts
Showing incredibly well on the bank at 1945. Just a handful of people watching it. Looks very settled.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Hill1J Baker
Amazing bird to see in Bucks.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1M Haberfield
Spectacular views of an incredible bird for Bucks, enjoyed undisturbed by many birders, working its way along the slope feeding quite contentedly. What a bird - thank you to finder Jamie! Photos in gallery.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1M Milne
An amazing twitch and lifer! Many thanks to the finder.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1R D Andrews
Showed amazingly well down to about 10 metres. Incredible find by Jamie Warren.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1J E Rose
An amazing sighting after it was found by Moss expert Jamie Warren around about 13:30? It was not at all disturbed by the 40 or so birders that were present when I was there. There was a constant turn over of observers.  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Hill1T Wallen
With MSW and many other birders. Wow ! what a bird !! Arriving on scene at the quarry at this time to a bird found by Jamie Warren a couple of hours earlier. We were presented with negative news, but hadn't been searching long when we found it. As Mark Baker walked towards us MSW saw the bird run up the bank about 40m from us, in front of Mark ! Very quickly the 6 or so birders present were on it, and quickly others arrived as we got the news out. Enjoyed by many others during the afternoon. Photographed. An incredible 1st for Bucks. Thank You Jamie :).  
05/05/24ALPINE ACCENTORPitstone Quarry1R W Seekins


Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor
Alpine Accentor