Buckinghamshire county listing

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1L Evans267266 BOU plus White-headed Duck, Azorean Atlantic Gull, White Wagtail & Siberian Chiffchaff but not including obvious escapes like Bar-headed Goose, Ross's Snow Goose, Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Monk Parakeet, etc. Red-rumped Swallow added in 2022 (266/279=95.3% of total)(seen Dotterel from Bucks, transported a live Fulmar across Bucks, dipped Great Shear & Storm Petrel) Little Crake added 202305/05/2024
2J E Rose257Last additions: Kentish Plover in May 2017 and Black-crowned Night Heron in August 2017. White-winged Black Tern in May 2019. Dipper in Mar 2020. Red-necked Phalarope in June 2021. Marsh Warbler in June 2021. Blue-winged Teal in 2022 not currently included. Red-Rumped Swallow added 2022. White-rumped Sandpiper and Little Crake Nov 2023. Then Alpine Accentor in May 2405/05/2024
3S Nichols254 03/05/2022
4M Collard252 06/05/2024
5R D Andrews251 13/12/2022
6R S Hill250 05/05/2024
7G Smith246Not including Pale Bellied Brent, White Wagtail, Sibe Chiff, Ruddy Shelduck, White headed Duck, BWT Marlow Low Grounds White Winged Black Tern Foxcote 19/5/19 Latest Hoopoe Willen area MK 22/4/21 Red Rumped swallow 27/4/22 l Curlew Sandpiper Dorney31/5/21 White Rumped Sandpiper 22/7/22 Little Crake 8/11/23 Marsh Warbler FFNR MK 8/6/21 Red Rumped Swallow 27/4/LMGP White Rumped Sandpiper 21/7/202212/10/2024
8D Ferguson244 23/09/2024
9B Miller243Actively birding in Bucks since moving out of London in 2002. Nine "gettable" species missed in this time: Bonepart's Gull (dipped x3), Icterine Warbler & Night-Heron (away on holidays), Red-throated Diver, Alpine Swift & Green-winged Teal (working), Bonxie (didn't get the news), Storm-Petrel (was stuck shopping in High Wycombe!!), WWBT (looked the wrong way) and Honey-buzzard (pure ineptitude).06/05/2024
10A D Bassett241Only been county listing seriously since about 2009, with a few older records when I wasn't a county resident. Recent - 2020: Black-bellied Dipper, The Rye; Red-necked Phalarope, Little Marlow GP; Pink-footed Goose, Watermead; 2021: Hoopoe, Willen excavation; Marsh Warbler, FFNR; 2022: Red-rumped Swallow, Little Marlow GP; White-rumped Sandpiper, Dorney Common; 2023: Little Crake, Linford 05/05/2024
11J Edwards237Resident in Bucks since 1996 but with county records going back many years. Highlights over the years include White tailed Eagle, Manx Shearwater, Night Heron, Purple Heron, White Stork, Glossy Ibis, Black winged Stilt, Wilson's and Red necked Phalarope, Long tailed Skua, Golden Oriole.. Marsh W. and Marsh H. in 2021 and RR Swallow and White r. SP in 2022, Little Crake in 2023, Alpine A. in202411/05/2024
12R Norris233Latest White Stork and Little Crake07/11/2023
13D Parmenter231 01/06/2023
14A J Stevens230 03/05/2022
15D Horton227Have been birding in Bucks since 1970 but lived in Oxfordshire for 15 years. Highlights include Cirl Bunting, Black-eared Wheatear, White-tailed Eagle, Caspian Tern, Black-winged Stilt and many others. Latest Curlew Sandpiper at Manor Farm 7/5/15 09/06/2015
16D L Cleal223Only really started birding in Bucks in 2007, though I lived near High Wycombe in the 70s, Tree Pipit singing and displaying in Wendover Woods, Cirl Bunting at West Wycombe Hill which we'd be fortunate to see now. Turtle Dove, Grasshopper Warbler & Nightingale at MOD Arncott 2016 Updated Oct 17. YBW & Dartford Warbler.25/03/2024
17J W D Gearing209All records from 1990 onwards, although many species seen before this date. Nightjar recorded breeding in 1940s at Littleworth Common 2013 & 2014 recorded Monk Parakeet pair nesting at a site in Aylesbury - not on list. Best bird - Black Stork at Nether Winchendon. Most recent Bucks first record - Black-winged Stilt College Lake.11/10/2019
=A Beolens209May be some missed that I don't have recorded (Water Pipit? Ferruginous Duck? Whooper Swan? Pink footed goose? Mealy redpoll?) also not counted Bar Headed and Snow Geese or Ruddy Shelduck. Dates & Locations where recalled/recorded. Oh and I barely leave MK for birds (8 outside MK or very close)14/06/2022
19E Griffiths208Plus 3 heard species - Quail, Nightingale and Icterine Warbler. 08/09/2022
20D J Bevan200 13/10/2024
21P Gibbs196 22/07/2024
22S Ramm193Birding since 2013, now putting in a bit more effort with the county list. Latest White-Rumped Sandpiper, Purple Heron, Great Grey Shrike and Glossy Ibis.18/09/2024
23A C Morris190 29/12/2023
24M Wilkinson187 03/05/2022
25K Holt185 06/05/2021
=N Marriner185 03/05/2022
27J Richardson182 29/06/2023
28K P Duncan180 28/01/2024
29C Gibbs179 21/07/2024
30G B Langley178 08/02/2019
31L Marriner175 15/01/2023
32A Gibbs172 27/04/2023
33R A Fowles160 01/01/2024
34A MacGarvey158 28/07/2024
35S Bosher157 12/11/2021
36R O'Brien156Louise is only two birds short of me so also qualifies if she decides to list. Rob and Louise, Marsh Gibbon12/12/2021
37M Milne155+ White Wag + White Stork (Knepp-ringed bird) 20/09/2024
38J D Gaches153An interesting exercise as my Bucks records are stored alphabetically. It has highlighted some gaps in my list!05/04/2018
39A Horsley142 02/06/2024
40D Marchant110Only started seriously on retirement in Sept 2016, but have a few photographic records from earlier.06/10/2017
41P R Moon102All done, finished on 102. 2018 - MKUA 24 hour bird list. May 26th start - 1200 to 27th 1200. Any donations or sponsorship towards the RSPB MK Wildlife Explorers Projector fund kindly accepted. Thank You all who helped look for Birds and pledged donations. MKUA Blast Team 12/01/2019
=P Boult102 01/10/2024
43P Crowe90 06/05/2019
44M Shepherd67 09/03/2024
45D Bennett11 17/01/2024
46F Hutchinson2 24/12/2018
47A McGrath1 15/01/2022