Common Tern

Recent sightings

24/07/24Common TernWillen Lake South, Willen Lakes20M Wallen
Approx, breeding. Lots of activity on the pontoons, with chicks seen.  
22/07/24Common TernWillen Lake North, Willen Lakes35W Scarratt
22/07/24Common TernLittle Marlow GP12J E Rose
Approx incl 3 juvs on the sand spit (one colour ringed) and one still on the long raft.  
21/07/24Common TernLittle Marlow GP10J E Rose
Incl 3 unringed juvs on the sand spit and another on the long raft with a damaged left wing.  
21/07/24Common TernWillen Lake South, Willen Lakes26M Wallen
Breeding ! Approx. There were 20 adults and 3 fledged juvs in the air at the same time. Also a large, ready to fledge (if not already) chick on one pontoon and believed others on another. One adult is sitting on one pontoon, apparently on a nest.  
21/07/24Common TernWillen Lake North, Willen Lakes21M Wallen
Together in a tight flock were clearly the birds from the South Lake, they were reacting to the presence of the Peregrine.  
20/07/24Common TernLittle Marlow GP12J E Rose
At least incl 2 colour rings birds.  
19/07/24Common TernWillen Lake South, Willen Lakes15M Haberfield
ad and a few juves. Colony very busy and noisy, chasing each other and bringing occasional fish to young on the rafts.  
18/07/24Common TernLittle Marlow GP15J E Rose
Approx. Two juvs no the sand spit, one of which was not ringed.  
18/07/24Common TernCollege Lake5A C Bayliss
Five youngsters in view. One juvenile and 4 downy chicks.  


Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern
Common Tern