Little Tern

Recent sightings

30/06/24Little TernLittle Marlow GP2L Evans
Pair still present on spit at 1530 hours and showing well. A very unusual date for Bucks and presumable a failed breeding pair from the coast now heading back west. A nice find by Jim Rose (photographed).  
30/06/24Little TernLittle Marlow GP2A D Bassett
Possibly a pair - adult summer birds on spit and fishing over east side of lake. Great find by Jim Rose.  
30/06/24Little TernLittle Marlow GP2M Milne
Pr sat on W spit for 10 mins, before fishing on E side.  
30/06/24Little TernLittle Marlow GP2J E Rose
Initially on the sand spit and now fishing over the E side of the lake at 9:08. Later returned to the sand spit and still present when I left at 11am.  
06/05/24Little TernCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert1T Watts
This morning. Spotted highish at far Sth end of lake from hide, it did two circuits down there then one quick circuit past hide then not seen again. Checked both lakes 3+ times. With these had same before, think lakes great for insect eating Terns but too deep/ dark to spot small fish prey?  


Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern
Little Tern