Cattle Egret

Recent sightings

11/07/24CATTLE EGRETLittle Marlow GP1A D Bassett
s/p adult flew in to main island at this time.  
16/06/24CATTLE EGRETLittle Marlow GP5A D Bassett
A flock of 5 birds flew over from the SE, picked up at c100ft over the main island where veered more northerly and carried on over the spit willows where lost from view.  
11/06/24CATTLE EGRETTattenhoe, Milton Keynes1H Appleyard
Belated report following reviewing of images. A very high-flying individual initially seen heading northeast over the Tattenhoe Valley Park before u-turning and heading to the south/southwest. My first for the Tattenhoe area and Bucks.  
18/05/24CATTLE EGRETRowsham1M Wallen
ad. In full SP in a pool/ sedges which was the result of flooding, now nearly dry. I returned home (quickly)to get the camera gear, but by the time I got back it was gone. Not re-located. A first for here, in what is an amazing year on patch !  
04/05/24CATTLE EGRETCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
On east island viewable from Octagon. P.S. Seen with Peter Griffin soon after the reserve opened. The Cattle Egret spent the morning roving the east island but was not seen again until late afternoon when it was joined by a Little Egret on the west island. No sign today of yesterday's Garganey. .  


Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret
Cattle Egret


2019Cattle Egret, Dorney Common, 4th June, One.
2019Cattle Egret, Little Marlow GP, 13th April, One.
2018Cattle Egret, Linford GPs, 12th January to 7th April, Roosted here and seen at various places in the area .
2014Cattle Egret, Little Marlow GP, 12th May.
2013Cattle Egret, Calvert, 2nd December to 3rd May 2014, One over the gull roost on the sailing lake on 2nd Dec. Located the following day and remained in the Calvert/Steeple Claydon area until 3rd May 2014.
2012Cattle Egret, Floodplain Forest Nature Reserve (formerly Manor Farm), 19th-21st May, 1 on 19th May and last seen on 21st .  Also seen at nearby Haversham.
2008Cattle Egret, Haversham, 30th November to 9th December.
2002Cattle Egret, Hughenden Valley, 16th January, 1 flew along the valley and towards Prestwood on 16th Jan, presumed to be the bird from Higher Denham.
2002Cattle Egret, Denham, 1 from early Jan to the end of Feb at Higher Denham.
Cattle Egret, Calvert, 23rd September.
Cattle Egret, Gallows Bridge, 20th December.
Cattle Egret, College Lake, 12th April.
Cattle Egret, Fenny Stratford, Adult, 15th February to 4th March.