Pink-footed Goose
Photos 1 - 15 of 20 | First | < Previous | Next > | Last
Year | Details |
2020 | Pink-footed Goose, Gallows Bridge, 28th September, Eight over considered likely wild birds. |
2013 | Pink-footed Goose, Bradwell, 3rd January, 15 on 3rd Jan. |
2003 | Pink-footed Goose, Marlow, 15th February, 3 over high NW on 15th Feb. |
1998 | Pink-footed Goose, Drayton Parslow, 10th March, 9 over east on 10th Mar. |
1992 | Pink-footed Goose, Willen Lakes, 9th October, 2 adults and 3 immatures came in at dusk on 9th Oct. |
1990 | Pink-footed Goose, Linford GPs, 24th December, A probable family party of 6 on 24th Dec. |
1979 | Pink-footed Goose, The Lee, 28th January, 70 over west on 28th Jan. |
1968 | Pink-footed Goose, High Wycombe, 31st December, 30 flying NW on 31st Dec. |
1966 | Pink-footed Goose, Mentmore, 6th March, 60-70 on 6th Mar flying by moonlight. |
1965 | Pink-footed Goose, Iver, 30th January, 6 on 30th Jan at Iver GP. |