Buckinghamshire bird news

Search results

You searched for all sightings reported between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2020.

06/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Forder @DanFWildlife
30/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Forder @DanFWildlife
27/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Forder @DanFWildlife
27/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Forder @DanFWildlife
15/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Forder @DanFWildlife
30/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1D Parmenter
seen for a good spell at 11.45 feeding in pines between nursery and pub on S side of road.  
30/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1M Wallen
Appeared briefly in pines along the entrance road to the estate near to the nursery, with a roving tit flock. It was extremely mobile.  
29/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1Z Lawrence
Still present in Pine Trees with tits and goldcrests between lakes.  
28/12/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWatermead Lake1T Watts
Incredibly it was in first trees looked at !!! Small tit flock in pines next to Watermead Inn, tiny bird with them would've bet life going to be Godcrest but no it was it. Flew across road with flock, slightly separate and decent views, low down in sparse small trees. Flock moved off and not re -located again.  
13/10/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERBradwell1S Nichols
The bird seen yeaterday was heard calling early morning - at least 10 birders connected with it throughout the day.  
12/10/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERBradwell1S Nichols
Please note the site is Bancroft Park - A Yellow Browed Warbler suddenly appeared on the Pager at 17:00 on 12th October, it had been photographed in a garden backing onto parkland at Bancroft Park in Milton Keynes at 11am that morning, after a fair amount of detective work, I was able to get in touch with the Photographer and finder Carol Hughes, who was able to give me some more details and by 17:37 I had relocated the bird a few hundred yards further on in the Linear park. I twas on view for 20 minutes before going to roost.  
28/10/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERTattenhoe, Milton Keynes1I Matson
Very vocal and clearly visible in a Hazel that has weaved through an Oak tree along the south side of the brook about 100m west of Emerson Valley Car Park. SP839340.  
27/10/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERTattenhoe, Milton Keynes1H Appleyard
My first Yellow-browed Warbler, given away by several calls as it foraged around densely-covered willows over the brook, briefly showing in some gaps between the branches as I filmed. Still from one of the video clips in the gallery.  
12/10/20YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERMilton Keynes1C D Hughes
I identified a Yellow Browed Warbler in my garden yesterday and the identification has been confirmed by several authorities from a photo I took. SP827402.