

2006Twite, Steps Hill, 7th November, Fem or imm on 7th Nov.
2003Twite, Steps Hill, 3rd-5th October, 1 on 3rd and 5th Oct.
2000Twite, Hedgerley, 1st-30th January, 1 male in a large flock of Linnets on 1st and 30th Jan.
1997Twite, Dorney Reach, 22nd March, 1 on 22nd Mar was videoed.
1970Twite, Marlow GPs, 5th March, 1 on 5th Mar.
1966Twite, Old Slade Lake, Berks, 25th March, 1 on 25th Mar. (Now in Berks).
1964Twite, Weston Turville Reservoir, 27th September, 5 on 27th Sep.
1962Twite, Shardeloes, 1st April, c25 on 1st Apr.
1962Twite, Shardeloes, 1st April, c25 on 1st Apr.
1902Twite, Skirmett, 3 caught in Feb near Skirmett.
1898Twite, Aston Clinton, 11th November, 1 caught by a bird catcher on 11 Nov.
1893Twite, Aston Clinton, 21st November, 1 caught by a bird catcher on 21 Nov.
1893Twite, Aston Clinton, 5th November, 1 caught by a bird catcher on 5 Nov.