Lee Evans's 2022 county year list


Great Northern Diver2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South (ling-staying juvenile)
Little Grebe2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Great Crested Grebe2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Black-necked Grebe********************
Cormorant2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Cattle Egret10/6/2022Spade Oak Pit (adult summer showing well on spit)
Little Egret2/1/2022Chesham Waterside
Great White Egret28/1/2022Chenies Bottom Dodds Mill
Grey Heron4/1/2022Shardeloes Lake
Purple Heron23/8/2022Juvenile showing well at Weston Turville Reservoir in evening (observed with Dave Bilcock)
Mute Swan2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Whooper Swan8/3/2022Adult with 30 Mutes in Upper Tove Valley at SP781452
Pink-footed Goose31/3/2022With Greylag and Canada in field Northwest of old outflow at Wilstone Reservoir/Drayton Beauchamp
White-fronted Goose7/1/202211 Russian WFG still in field at Drayton Beauchamp
Greylag Goose3/1/2022Mill End
Canada Goose2/1/2022Newton Leys
Barnacle Goose13/2/2022College Lake BBOWT (5 individuals)
Brent Goose20/12/2022A juvenile with other geese at Foscote Lake
Egyptian Goose3/1/2022Castleman's Farm
Shelduck10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit (2 pairs)
Mandarin Duck3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR (21 birds)
Wigeon7/1/2022College Lake BBOWT
Gadwall4/1/2022Shardeloes Lake
Teal4/1/2022Amersham Flood Meadows LNR
Mallard2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Pintail29/1/2022A drake on the main marsh at College Lake
Blue-winged Teal29/3/2022Marlow Flood Alleviation Pools
Shoveler7/1/2022College Lake BBOWT
Red-crested Pochard24/2/2022Marsworth Reservoir (female)
Pochard4/1/2022Shardeloes Lake
Tufted Duck3/1/2022Greenlands Lake
Long-tailed Duck21/11/2022Female-type at Linford NR, my first in the county for 10 years!
Common Scoter17/11/2022Third time lucky! After dipping out twice, finally connected with the 4 juveniles at Caldecott Lake South
Goldeneye4/2/2022Willen Lake South Basin
Smew15/12/2022Drake at Tilehouse Pit North found during my WeBS count (also 16 RCP)
Red Kite2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Marsh Harrier30/8/2022Juvenile high east over Drayton Beauchamp and College Lake (photographed)
Buzzard4/1/2022Misbourne LNR, Old Amersham
Osprey24/8/2022An adult came round on 5 occasions to fish but failed to dive each time. Appeared to be bearing a ring, black in colour
Kestrel4/1/2022The Lee
Red-legged Partridge5/2/2022Bradenham Road, West Wycombe (covey of 13)
Grey Partridge7/1/2022Down Farm Arable Fields, Pitstone Hill (4)
Quail27/5/2022Whaddon (heard with Roy Hargreaves into darkness)
Pheasant3/1/2022Castleman's Farm
Water Rail6/2/2022College Lake BBOWT
Moorhen3/1/2022Castleman's Farm
Coot2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Crane22/4/2022Initially appeared over Drayton Beauchamp before slowly making their way eastwards, circling Wilstone Reservoir for almost 8 minutes, before then continuing east over Cemetery Corner, the smaller rese
Oystercatcher22/2/2022College Lake BBOWT
Black-winged Stilt27/4/2022Newton Leys Willows Lake (female)
Avocet28/4/2022College Lake BBOWT
Little Ringed Plover16/3/2022Spade Oak GP on spit
Ringed Plover11/5/2022A single Tundra at Manor Farm
Golden Plover28/2/2022Horton (298 in field)
Lapwing10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit (373 on spit)
Sanderling11/5/2022A party of 4 on the dam at Foxcote Reservoir
Little Stint13/9/2022A juvenile on the far spit at Spade Oak Pit
White-rumped Sandpiper21/7/2022Adult at Dorney Common Flood with Dunlin!
Curlew Sandpiper10/11/2022Long-staying Wilstone bird commuting with Golden Plover flock when flushed to fields west of A41 and Drayton Beauchamp village
Dunlin25/4/2022Startop's End Reservoir
Ruff23/4/2022Female on main marsh at College Lake
Jack Snipe22/2/2022College Lake BBOWT East Island
Snipe10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit
Woodcock4/1/2022Great Hampden
Black-tailed GodwitCollege Lake
Whimbrel21/4/2022College Lake main marsh
Curlew25/2/2022Ickford Bridge Floods
Common Sandpiper25/4/2022Startop's End Reservoir
Green Sandpiper7/3/2022Fulmer Lake
Wood Sandpiper15/5/2022Adult summer at the far end of the dam at Foxcote Reservoir
Redshank24/2/2022College Lake BBOWT
Red-necked Phalarope8/9/2022A juvenile showing well occasionally at the west side of Spade Oak Pit (found by David Ferguson)
Kittiwake1/4/2022A 2 Kittiwake day with singles at Willen Lake South Basin and Spade Oak GP (first-winter and adult respectively)
Black-headed Gull2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Little Gull29/3/20223 adults (2 summer) on Spade Oak GP
Mediterranean Gull5/2/2022Jubilee River, Lake End Road (adult summer)
Common Gull7/1/2022College Lake BBOWT
Lesser Black-backed Gull4/1/2022Misbourne LNR
Herring Gull2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Yellow-legged Gull15/2/2022Newton Leys - 3 birds
Caspian Gull10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit (yellow-ringed Polish 2w P:OP3 on spit)
Great Black-backed Gull3/1/2022Castleman's Farm
Black Tern29/4/2022Foxcote Reservoir
Sandwich Tern25/3/2022Party of 4 birds hgh west over Drayton Beauchamp at 0637 hours
Common Tern10/4/20223 on Marsworth Reservoir
Rock Dove / Feral Pigeon4/1/2022Feral Pigeon - Misbourne LNR
Stock Dove3/1/2022Greenlands College Grounds
Woodpigeon2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Collared Dove2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Ring-necked Parakeet3/1/2022Little Chalfont
Cuckoo25/4/2022Startop's End Reservoir
Barn Owl4/7/2022Resident pair in Chess Valley
Little Owl8/3/2022Manor Farm (usual tree)
Tawny Owl7/1/2022Beacon Road, Ivinghoe Beacon (pair)
Swift29/4/2022Foxcote Reservoir
Kingfisher10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit
Green Woodpecker4/1/2022Penn Wood
Great Spotted Woodpecker4/1/2022Great Hampden
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker********************
Skylark4/1/2022Misbourne LNR
Sand Martin29/3/2022Spade Oak GP (40)
Swallow29/3/20224 at Spade Oak GP
House Martin1/4/20222 at Spade Oak GP
Red-rumped Swallow27/4/2022Spade Oak GP
Tree Pipit14/4/2022Incombe Hole (Ivinghoe Hills NR)
Meadow Pipit7/1/2022Down Farm Cereal Crops
Rock Pipit27/10/22Scandinavian in NE corner of Startop's End Reservoir
Yellow Wagtail12/4/2022Marsworth Horse Paddocks
Grey Wagtail28/1/2022Chenies Bottom
Pied Wagtail4/1/2022Misbourne LNR
Wren3/1/2022Henley Business School
Dunnock3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Robin2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Redstart14/4/2022Ivinghoe Beacon
Whinchat13/8/2022Pitstone Hill
Wheatear12/3/2022A nice male at Ivinghoe Beacon
Ring Ouzel1/4/20222 males on Ivinghoe Beacon
Blackbird3/1/2022Castleman's Farm
Fieldfare7/1/2022Down Farm Cereal Crops (52)
Song Thrush2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Redwing4/1/2022Misbourne LNR
Mistle Thrush3/1/2022North Park
Cetti's Warbler5/2/2022Roundmoor Ditch
Grasshopper Warbler14/4/2022Ivinghoe Beacon
Sedge Warbler20/4/2022Marsworth Reedbed
Reed Warbler20/4/2022Marsworth Reedbed
Blackcap2 February 2022Singing male at Meades Water Gardens in Chesham
Garden Warbler17/4/2022Fulmer Lake
Lesser Whitethroat18/4/2022Taplow Lake
Whitethroat14/4/2022Ivinghoe Beacon
Dartford Warbler********************
Yellow-browed Warbler29/11/2022Calling loudly and repetitively in Holm Oak by Rector's house - a great find by Rob Norris
Chiffchaff5/2/2022Roundmoor Ditch (3)
Willow Warbler11/4/2022Incombe Hole
Goldcrest14/2/2022Penn Wood NNR
Firecrest22/2/2022Wendover Hale
Spotted Flycatcher18/5/2022Hughenden Park
Long-tailed Tit10/1/2022Spade Oak Pit
Blue Tit2/1/2022Caldecotte Lake South
Great Tit3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Coal Tit3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Marsh Tit5/2/2022Hodgemoor Woods
Nuthatch7/2/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Treecreeper20/2/2022Chesham Sewage Works
Red-backed Shrike14/6/2022Manor Farm (female showing well from Farm Hide)
Great Grey Shrike5/11/2022Stoke Common where it caught & killed a Blue Tit - my first ever at the site
Jay3/1/2022Black Park
Magpie2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Jackdaw2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Carrion Crow2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Raven4/1/2022Great Hampden
Starling2/1/2022Little Chalfont
House Sparrow2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Chaffinch2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Brambling4/1/2022Penn Wood (213 into roost)
Greenfinch3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Goldfinch2/1/2022Little Chalfont
Siskin4/1/2022Shardeloes Lake
Linnet4/2/2022Whitehouse, Milton Keynes
Redpoll29/1/2022Pair at College Lake BBOWT
Common Crossbill22/7/20225 in Wendover Woods (Hale end)
Bullfinch3/1/2022Burnham Beeches NNR
Hawfinch4/1/2022Great Hampden
Lapland Bunting19/10/2022One flew west at the Beacon at 1050
Yellowhammer4/2/2022Upper Tove Valley
Reed Bunting4/2/2022Upper Tove Valley
Corn Bunting4/2/2022Upper Tove Valley (3 in gamestrip near New Farm)