Lee Evans's 2018 county year list


Great Northern Diver3/1/2018Juvenile still present on Calvert Sailing Lake
Little Grebe1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Great Crested Grebe1/1/2018Marsworth Reservoir
Cormorant1/1/2018Marsworth Reservoir
Shag23/3/2018An adult in breeding plumage present on the South Basin at Willen Lake (photographed)
Cattle Egret15/1/2018Haversham Mill (associating with 8 Mute Swans) (photographed)
Little Egret2/1/2018Bois Mill Meadow (Chess Valley)
Great White Egret21/1/2018Linford Nature Reserve. Flew into roost at 1640 hours
Grey Heron1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Mute Swan1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Pink-footed Goose12/2/2018With 256 Greylag in fields north of the main pit at Gayhurst complex (observed with Rob Norris)
White-fronted Goose27/11/2018A family party (1 juvenile) consorting with 272 Canada Geese in grass field opposite Dorney Court
Greylag Goose1/1/20183 at Shardeloes Lake
Canada Goose1/1/2018208 at Shardeloes Lake
Barnacle Goose24/2/201866 back at Emberton Country Park
Egyptian Goose4/1/2018134 in the Castleman's Farm Poultry Fields
Shelduck4/1/2018Spade Oak Pit
Mandarin Duck4/1/2018Just 9 on the Upper Pond in Burnham Beeches NNR
Wigeon1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Gadwall1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Teal1/1/2018A drake at College Lake BBOWT
Mallard1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Pintail6/10/20182 at College Lake BBOWT on main marsh
Shoveler1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Red-crested Pochard8/1/2018Pair in NW corner of College Lake
Pochard1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Tufted Duck1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Scaup29/11/2018A juvenile drake with 18 Tufted Duck on the Return Lake at Dorney Rowing Lakes
Common Scoter25/3/2018On a day of a marked arrival of this species, I recorded a pair at College Lake Deep Pit and 3 more at Caldecott Lake South
Goldeneye3/1/201810 at Foxcote Reservoir
Red-breasted Merganser17/12/2018After a lot of effort, finally nailed this beast in Bucks - on River Colne with 5 Goosander adjacent to Tilehouse Pit workings
Red Kite1/1/2018Little Missendon
Marsh Harrier23/8/2018Heading SSW over Ivinghoe Hills NR
Sparrowhawk3/1/2018Little Missenden
Buzzard4/1/2018Castleman's Farm
Osprey21/8/2018Flying towards Tring high over Grove Church (photographed)
Merlin23/4/2018Male being aggressively chased by a male Curlew across main field at breeding locality
Red-legged Partridge3/1/20183 near Foxcote Reservoir
Grey Partridge1/1/2018A covey of 5 at Pitstone Hill
Water Rail1/1/2018Marsworth Reservoir
Spotted Crake27/8/2018Willen Lake North Basin
Moorhen1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Coot1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Crane16/5/2018A pair of presumably reintroduction birds at Gallows Bridge main meadow - either of Pensthorpe or Horsey origin
Oystercatcher24/2/2018Pair at College Lake
Avocet2/4/20183 birds on the Seasonal Pool at Dorney Lakes; I watched them fly off SSE
Little Ringed Plover22/3/2018Spade Oak Pit
Ringed Plover1/4/2018College Lake
Golden Plover23/1/2018300 or more seen today including 250 near Broughton and 50 at Gallows Bridge
Lapwing1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Knot12/5/2018A cracking summer plumaged adult on the spit at Spade Oak (observed with Kevin Holt, Alan Stevens & others)
Sanderling4/3/2018A winter-plumaged Sanderling with 15 Dunlin on grass at Dorney Reserve
Dunlin3/3/2018Spade Oak GP
Ruff19/10/2018A male on the spit at Spade Oak Pit (photographed)
Jack Snipe2/2/2018Stony Stratford Nature Reserve
Snipe8/1/20182 on island at College Lake BBOWT
Woodcock28/3/2018One flushed from beneath my feet in the Moat at Burnham Beeches NNR
Black-tailed Godwit28/4/2018A bumper day: firstly 102 at College Lake and then another 62 at Manor Farm!!
Bar-tailed Godwit3/3/2018Spade Oak GP
Whimbrel22/4/2018A group of 3 at Gallows Bridge main meadow (photographed)
Curlew20/3/20184 birds at a site with suitable breeding habitat
Common Sandpiper10/4/2018Willen Lake South Basin
Green Sandpiper2/2/2018Haversham village flooded field
Wood Sandpiper22/5/2018Breeding-plumaged adult at Manor Farm (photographed)
Redshank4/3/2018Dorney Lakes
Turnstone21/5/2018Breeding plumaged adult on the West Island spit at College Lake BBOWT late morning (photographed)
Black-headed Gull1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Little Gull4/4/2018First-year sat on the water in SE corner of Spade Oak Pit in evening
Mediterranean Gull19/7/2018College Lake BBOWT
Common Gull1/1/2018Shardeloes Lake
Lesser Black-backed Gull1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Herring Gull1/1/2018Shardeloes Lake
Yellow-legged Gull3/1/20185 adults in roost Calvert BBOWT
Caspian Gull3/1/20184 in roost Calvert BBOWT (2 adults, a 1w & a 2w) (with Warren Claydon)
Iceland Gull20/1/20183rd winter in roost (seen with Dave Bilcock, Steve Rodwell & Warren Claydon)
Great Black-backed Gull3/1/201892 in roost Calvert BBOWT
Little Tern3/5/2018Marsworth Reservoir. Seemingly moribund and ringed! Returned to sit on the bank by the Grand Union Canal twice (watched with David Bilcock)
Black Tern28/4/2018Willen Lake South Basin
Sandwich Tern7/4/2018Black Horse Lake, Linford (seen with Rob Morris & Andy H)
Common Tern4/4/2018On spit at Spade Oak Pit
Arctic Tern17/4/20181 present with 6 Common Terns at Willen Lake South
Stock Dove4/1/2018Castleman's Farm
Collared Dove2/1/2018Chaffinch House
Turtle Dove********************
Ring-necked Parakeet5/1/2018Denham Garden Village
Cuckoo23/4/2018Linford Nature Reserve
Barn Owl16/2/2018Four individuals noted in the Chess Valley
Little Owl25/3/2018A pair at Gayhurst Quarry
Tawny Owl28/3/2018Hogback Wood, Beaconsfield
Short-eared Owl********************
Swift23/4/20188 over Foxcote Reservoir
Kingfisher1/1/2018Marsworth Reservoir
Green Woodpecker4/1/2018Burnham Beeches NNR
Great Spotted Woodpecker2/1/2018Ladies Arbour Wood (Little Chalfont)
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker********************
Skylark1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Sand Martin30/3/201823 over east end of Spade Oak Pit
Swallow2/4/20184 with Sand Martins over Willen South Basin
House Martin4/4/2018Spade Oak Pit (with hirundine flock)
Tree Pipit6/8/2018Ivinghoe Beacon Ringshall Slope (2)
Meadow Pipit13/1/2018Bury Field Common
Yellow Wagtail6/4/2018Flew east at Gallows Hill, Ivinghoe Beacon
Grey Wagtail4/1/2018Spade Oak Pit
Pied Wagtail2/1/2018Chaffinch House
Redstart01/05/2018A cracking male in Woodrow at the entrance to the Equestrian Centre
Whinchat23/4/2018A female on fenceline at Marsworth Horse Paddocks (photographed)
Wheatear25/3/2018Male on Ivinghoe Beacon in sheep fields
Ring Ouzel2/4/2018A cracking male showing well at Willen Lake South Basin
Blackbird1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Fieldfare1/1/201845 at Pitstone Hill
Song Thrush1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Redwing2/1/2018Lower Weedonhill Farm
Mistle Thrush2/1/2018Bell Lane Fields (Little Chalfont) (pair)
Cetti's Warbler3/1/2018Calvert BBOWT Lake
Grasshopper Warbler17/5/2018Reeling from Rape field in SP8751
Sedge Warbler7/4/2018Singing male in Bucks reedbed of Marsworth Reservoir
Reed Warbler23/4/2018Marsworth Reservoir/Linford Lakes NR
Blackcap21/1/2018A nice male on my garden feeders (Chaffinch House in Little Chalfont)
Garden Warbler26/4/20182 singing males at Linford Lakes NR
Lesser Whitethroat17/4/2018Rattling male at Hillesden Lakes
Whitethroat20/4/2018Drayton Beauchamp
Dartford Warbler********************
Chiffchaff24/2/20182 at Ravensthorpe Sewage Works
Willow Warbler30/3/2018A singing male at the east end of Spade Oak
Firecrest28/3/2018A singing male showing very well in the tall conifers lining the back garden of 37 Woodside Road in Beaconsfield
Spotted Flycatcher24/5/2018Pair in Hardmead Cemetery/Rectory Garden
Pied Flycatcher28/4/2018A crippling first-summer male in bushes by the viaduct at Floodplain Forest LNR
Long-tailed Tit1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Blue Tit1/1/2018Little Missenden
Great Tit1/1/2018Little Missenden
Coal Tit1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Marsh Tit1/1/2018Pair at feeders at College Lake BBOWT
Nuthatch1/1/2018Little Missenden Churchyard
Treecreeper2/1/2018Weedon Hill Woods
Jay2/1/2018Chesham Bois
Jackdaw1/1/2018Little Missenden
Rook1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Carrion Crow1/1/2018Shardeloes
Raven2/1/2018Party of 3 over my garden in Little Chalfont
Starling1/1/2018Little Chalfont
House Sparrow1/1/2018Little Chalfont
Tree Sparrow3/1/20188 in garden in Dag Lane, Stoke Goldington
Chaffinch1/1/2018Little Chalfont
Brambling2/1/2018Lower Weedonhill Farm
Greenfinch1/1/2018Little Missenden
Goldfinch1/1/2018Little Chalfont
Siskin13/1/201830 at Linford NR
Linnet3/1/201840 near Foxcote Reservoir
Redpoll4/1/20183 on my Chaffinch House garden feeders
Common Crossbill22/3/20182 males and a female in Larches and Scots Pines in vicinity of Woburn Golf Clubhouse
Bullfinch2/1/2018Chaffinch House
Hawfinch1/1/2018Up to 35 in Little Missenden village
Yellowhammer1/1/2018Pitstone Hill
Reed Bunting1/1/2018College Lake BBOWT
Corn Bunting1/1/201857 at Pitstone Hill/Down Farm Cereal Fields